Wednesday, November 4, 2009


BCC General Catalog Design- 2010-2012

BCC General Catalog Design- 2010-2012

For this project i designed a silhouette of a person with a rainbow of knowledge coming out of its head. I feel that this design reflects the mission of the college well because i used some of the school colors and the goal of any college is the advancement of knowledge. Also i put an image behind my design of the college campus to show how nice of a place it is. By using the rule of thirds i placed my main elements just out side of the middle of the catalog. This helps to keep the design interesting without pulling to much attention to any one part. I Also created balance and a flow that keeps the viewers eye moving. With the curves the rainbow creates our eye glides from the school logo to the top of the rain bow down into the tag line and silhouette. My use of color in the rainbow is because that way so that it helps with the flow, darker colors on top leading to the red at the bottom witch emphasis the tag line. Also i chose a light blue witch i pulled from the sky image in the background witch helped keep the element of the silhouette solid but not overbearing.